The English Version of the story.
Recently I’m a “SHERLOCK by bbc” addict.
Necocrochan「Benedict Cumberbatch is too cool. Benedict Cumberbatch is too cool..」
Benedict Cumberbatch
「It’s slightly damp – she’s been in heavy rain within the last few hours. No rain anywhere in London in that time.
Under her coat collar is damp too. She turned it up against the wind!
She’s got an umbrella in her left pocket but it’s unused and dry.
Not just wind, strong wind – too strong to use her umbrella.
We know from her suitcase that she’s staying over night so she must have a come a decent distance.
But she can’t have travelled more than two or three hours, cos her coat hasn’t dried. So where has there been heavy rain and strong wind within the radius of that travel time?
(By「SHERLOCK Series 1, Episode 1 – ‘A Study in Pink’」)
Necocrochan「What the coolness!」
Insert the illustration:I draw it with the intention of Holmes.
The next day.
Insert the left cat : the mother cats “Oka-neco”
Necocrochan「I’m back!」
Oka-neco「Welcome back~」
Necocrochan-homes-ver「It’s slightly damp – There is a cake of sweets on the cheeks of Oka-neco. Predict that you ate a snack.
She went out somewhere today. Because she take off her glasses that always wear and now wearing contacts.
From the dinner preparation scene, today’s dinner is Japanese.In other words, to drink tonight is sake, not wine.」
Thus, I started imitating Holmes. (The reasoning is bad)